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How to Handle Escalated Calls in Call Center?

How to Handle Escalated Calls in Call Center

And who would deny that encountering sudden client issues is just an everyday story of a call center business?  Not only call centers but almost every business has encountered instances of customer frustrations or escalations at some point. No matter…

A Guide to Cloud-Based Call Centre Software!

A Guide to Cloud-Based Call Centre Software!

From being a very unpopular hustle to evolving into a greater business option, cloud call centers are one BIG example of revolutionary changes in recent years.  We all have been there where we had to deal with the cranks of…

The Best Examples Of Customer Experience Strategy

The Best Examples Of Customer Experience Strategy

You said increased revenues; we hear improved customer experience. Yes, you read that right!  One of the top business goals, and probably the toughest one, is to maintain a stable and positive customer experience (CX). If your business fails to…

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