KLOZER.io I #1 Dialer for Sales and Support team for Australia and New Zealand logo
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Case Study 6

Prerna Bhattacharjee, Australia

Tell us something about your business, Prerna!

Me being the owner of a financial advising company, the only motto we’ve here is to ensure the financial well-being of our customers. We help customers with their financial planning, wealth management, and investment advice.

1. When did your sales journey start with Klozer?

August 2023

2. How many agents are currently working at your organization?

Currently, we’ve got 30 agents!

3. Which dialer were you using before?

Previously, we used to do our work with Kixie’s dialer solution

4. Where did you hear about Klozer?

Basically, we found them because of their brand reputation!

5. How was the first set-up experience with Klozer?

Woah, it was nice. That was really easy-peasy! Back then, I had a tiring day, but luckily, I didn’t need to go through much rush for the set-up. 

6. Has our software help your business in any way?

Yep, that to a great extent. My team’s downtime is almost no to zero. And the software works really fast and doesn’t crash much often, so that’s a BIG blessing for us.

7. Can you share some benefits you gained with Klozer?

Yeah, sure, I can. The way I can seamlessly upload my lead data and calls just go automatically has rescued my agents from burnout. We used to go for another provider’s manual dialers before, but that was too exhausting. So yoo, Klozer’s dialer indeed boosted my agents’ productivity.

8. When using our dialer solution, did you need any assistance operating it?

Yeah, obviously, because initially, when we encounter new software, we are usually unfamiliar with the settings. However, my team’s feedback was that the software was really easy to manage.

9. How do you like our support service? 

I’ll give them a straight 5-star! I must say they have a very dedicated team.

10. Would you recommend us to anyone in the future? If so, please share a few words on how you describe our service.

Sure, since I made visible improvements in sales! So if you know, you know!

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