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How to Handle Common Cold Calling Objections?

How to Handle Common Cold Calling Objections?

Do you know when the sales representatives start losing their confidence? 

It’s when they get demotivated by the objections they get during their cold calls from their leads. Even the best of your agents can make a flub just when they get a sudden objection from the clients. 

But don’t we have a way to handle these objections? 

Yes, we do! 

In this blog post, we’ll shed light on how you can handle the common cold-calling objections and some methods to overcome the situation. So stick with us right till the end to know more.

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21 Common Sales Call Objections And Solutions

Sadly, not every cold calling experience is like a fairytale. There will be some blatant objections that can ruin an agent’s day. Let’s have a look at some of the common sales call objections and solutions:

Objection 1:

Our current product is working well we don’t want your service.


Glad that you are happy investing in your software. But what if I tell you that you will get something even better while investing the same amount of money?

Objection 2:

We are already using XYZ’s competitor’s product.


Oh yeah, that’s a great one. However, typically, we see our customers come to us after switching from the XYZ competitor. Do they have (feature) like we do?

Objection 3:

We don’t need your product; we only use XYZ products.


That’s great, but just to let you know, we can adapt and collaborate with any team according to their preferences. Currently, we are working with top companies like A and B, who are getting solutions to similar problems that your business might be facing.

Objection 4:

I have never heard of you.


We are very similar to companies like XYZ competitors. I see you are currently taking services from XYZ competitor. And yes, we deliver better features like ABC features, which they aren’t offering you. Would you be open to sitting down sometime next week to have a trial session?

Objection 5:

I am not comfortable providing more information.


Definitely, that makes sense. But by no means am I asking you to spill any company secrets. 

Typically, when we speak to people with similar job roles, I guess they find interest in explaining the [pain points] So that we know how we can better serve them. Is our XYZ service something that your team is currently looking into?

Objection 6:

Does your solution include the XYZ feature?


That’s a great question. Seems like you are familiar with products like ours. Yes, our product indeed offers XYZ features. Would you like to hear a short case study where our solution satisfied the client’s expectations?

Objection 7:

Let me get back to you on that. 


No problem. I will follow up in a few days. Let me know when you’ll be free this week for a meeting. I’ll also forward you some resources, which you can check in the meantime.

Objection 8:

Sorry, who are you again?


I am [name], a sales and marketing professional at [company]. We work with companies similar to yours, and they have gotten stellar feedback from us after they received our services. I would like to take 30 seconds to demonstrate the solutions and benefits we offer. Shall I start?

Objection 9:

I am busy now. You can email me your offer.


Yes, sure, but before I let you go, do you mind giving me 20 seconds just so we can get context if our services align with your company? Just in case, we can save some of your time.

Objection 10:

Your pricing is too costly.


I know initial investment might seem scary. However, for long-term success, we need to go that extra mile. Let me tell you what revenues you will really receive after using our product.

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Objection 11:

I have used your product before, and I do not like the service, or XYZ Competitors are providing better service.


If you don’t mind me asking, what turned you off from the service? We have been serving over the past decade and striving to make improvements. Would you be open to sitting down sometime next week to discuss your issues and how we can improve the service?

Objection 12:

I am busy now. I don’t have time.


I absolutely understand your urgency, but hey, I would only take your 30 seconds. Can I?

Objection 13:

I am not a decision-making person, and this isn’t in my hands.


Hey, that’s all right. Do you mind sharing a little more about your company or how we can get hold of your higher authority to help you with our services?

Objection 14:

This isn’t the right time to call.


That makes sense, but I don’t want you to be late and miss the offer. Is it OK with you if I call tomorrow at the same time?

Objection 15:

I don’t have the budget to afford your product.


I hear you. Yes, a lot of companies are on a tight budget now with certain economic pressures. But yes, we do have Flexible payment options, discounts, and installment plans for you.

Objection 16:

I need to consult with my decision-making team.


That’s fair. How about scheduling a meeting next week once you have consulted with your team? Let me know which day works better for you.

Objection 17:

I am not sure If we need your product at the moment.


Here, you can try saying the unique features of your brand that set you Apart from the competitors.

Objection 18:

I’m heading to a meeting.


I appreciate your time, and I’ll be real quick. Would it be possible to schedule a brief call later this week to discuss how we can help your business with our services?

Objection 19:

Call back in two months.


Of course, I get it. Your plate might be full right now. Working on new projects is always hectic and demanding. Would you mind sharing a bit more about the specific projects you’re working on so that we can tailor our conversation later when we reconnect?

Objection 20:

I don’t work at this company now.


That makes sense, but do you know someone there to whom you can transfer the call? Or can you please help me by giving that person a message?

Objection 21:

How did you get my number?


Oh, sorry, was there a better number to reach you? Just in case, we can make sure to forward some useful information and services for your company.

4 Things To Avoid When Handling Sales Calls

When dealing with sales call objections, there are certain things that you need to avoid straight up. The following are some of the phrases that you need to avoid which may lead to cold call objection:

1. I’d love to schedule some time with you. 

No, your lead isn’t interested in what you love. Rather, you can say let’s schedule a meeting for our next discussion. May I know when you’ll be free this week?

2. Does that make sense? 

Often, some sales representatives make the mistake of saying this phrase when they get frustrated by sales call objections. But this can have an adverse effect on your lead, causing you to lose a potential paying client.

3. How are you? 

Yes, trust me, this little phrase gives your prospects a hint that you are only trying to make a way to elongate the conversation. Instead, talk about the pain points they might have or what value your product offers them.

4. Saying honestly frequently. 

This might mean that only the sentences where you have used “honestly” are true, and the rest you have said are just damn false information.

5 Phrases That You Can Use To Handle Sales Call Objections

There are some ledge phases that can save you on crucial objection moments. Let’s check the following out:

  • Yeah, I figured out that was the case
  • That makes sense
  • That’s exactly what I thought
  • Yeah, I am with you
  • I was expecting you to say this

Tips To Consider While Handling Cold Call Objections

  • Ask them open-ended qualifying questions that can make them feel you are prioritizing their requirements.
  • Paraphrase the things that you have heard from your lead, ensuring you have the right information.
  • Try analyzing the tone of your prospect before they even start delivering the words of the main conversation. It can be simply analyzed by determining the way they are saying hello or greeting the call.
  • Another example is when you ask them how they are, but they do not ask you anything in return. That might be a sign that you need to be more cautious since the lead isn’t showing much interest.
  • Before you even go for the cold call, try researching about whom you’re calling or what business they have. This will help you to tailor the interaction better.
  • One of the best ways to handle cold-calling objections is to educate them in a nice manner. Provide statistics. Tell them facts based on your product.
  • Ask them questions to figure out what caused them to bring the objection.
  • When you get a no from your prospect, don’t try to jump to a conclusion instantly. Instead, try figuring out why exactly they are being reluctant to get your services.
  • No matter how harsh the lead gets, don’t ever take their words as personal. This is because if you take it personally, you will be the only one to be at a loss.
  • Be creative with what you are saying. Try making your conversations engaging. It can be adding a hint of humor, perhaps.


How Do You Handle Objections In Cold Calling?

The key to handling objections is to actively listen to what your buyer is saying. Only then you will be able to get their sentiments and find out why they have objections. Give them clear, open-ended questions and educate them about why they need your services but do not try to over-sell.

How Do You Deal With Rude Cold Calling?

One thing you should remember while dealing with a rude, cold call is you should respect yourself and expect others to respect you, too. Other than that, you aren’t allowed to expect anything from them. However, if you find anything else insulting, just proactively end the call and move on.

Wrapping Up: Handling Cold Call Objections

And that was all of it from us today on how to handle common cold-calling objections. Now, we hope you can confidently handle your cold calls even if you get any objections showing up abruptly. 

However, yes, there will be times when just a simple no would mean a no from the lead. There will be times when you just won’t be able to handle the objections. 

In this case, just let it be and consider it a bad day because some people might simply not be interested in the services. The right thing to do here would be to end the conversation. 

If today’s post has benefited you with something beneficial, don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below.Up To Reach More Leads? Get Klozer’s Predictive Dialer:  Join Demo Bonanza! Schedule Your 30-Days Free Demo Session With Klozer Today! Visit Us At https://www.klozer.io/

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