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How An Interactive Voice Response IVR Can Help Your Call Center Business?

Technological advancements are advancing at a record-breaking speed, while call center businesses are struggling to keep up with it. 

One such advanced technology is the interactive voice response or IVR. Just think about it when none of your agents are available, and a client shows up for service. That’s the moment when an IVR can save you and let your client get the service by self-navigation. 

Not only this, but IVR also comes up with a lot more benefits that can accelerate the sales of your call center business. 

No worries if you still aren’t aware of the benefits of IVR, as today’s blog post is all about it. So stick with us right till the end to know more about IVRs.

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What Is Interactive Voice Response IVR?

IVR is an automated feature in dialer software that can help customers get self-services. It offers pre-recorded messages or text-to-speech technology with a dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) interface to help customers navigate to the services they want. 

For instance, if customers are asking about order status, they might need to press 1. If they want cancellation of the product again, press 2. That’s how an IVR self-directs customers even when there’s no live agent.

How Does IVR Benefit Call Center Business?

Apart from self-directing clients for service, IVR comes with numerous diverse benefits. The following lists the notable benefits of IVR:

1. Smartly Routes Call

Even if the IVR doesn’t have relevant information to help out the lead, it can still direct the call to the designated department and let the customers get faster services.

2. Improves Customer Satisfaction

IVR can significantly reduce Call hold time and improve customer satisfaction.

3. Detects Verbal Tone

The latest models of IVRs come with a speech recognition feature. This advanced feature essentially understands the verbal tone of the Clients and responds to their real-time queries.

4. Reduces Overall Operational Cost

Since IVR can self-direct the clients, it reduces unnecessary call volumes, thereby minimizing the usage of resources and workload of agents and reducing your overall operational cost.

5. Enhanced Security

Another latest advancement of IVR facilitates improved security. This extra layer of security uses voice recognition techniques to verify the identity of the caller. 

This step of security can be really crucial in cases where the user needs to provide sensitive data like saving account information or personal information.

6. Offers Diverse Support

So far, we have three typical types of IVR that can benefit you in three different ways. Refer to the following to learn about the types of IVR:

Touch Tone Replacement IVR: 

This IVR prompts the customer with a menu so that the client can select the department to access their desired information. It often comes up with a pre-recorded message where the client only needs to respond by pressing the menu numbers.

Directed Dialogue IVR:

This kind of IVRs are specialized in delivering preset verbal prompts to customers depending on what they are asking. 

This generally includes important information about your business, like “Are you looking to know about the open hours?” or “Are you looking for our contact number?” Then, the client may respond by saying either the contact number or open hours.

Natural Language IVR:

As discussed earlier, this IVR can use speech recognition technology to understand user queries. The IVR might first welcome the user and ask what information they need today.

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7. Offers Robust Callbacks

IVRs are also able to provide a customer callback option. This again reduces the users’ hold time.

8. 24/7 Support

Even if your agents are not always there yet, IVR can still give assistance to your customers 24/7 and provide them with their queries. 

9. Increases First Call Resolution Rate

As IVRs help customers get their solutions faster, it’s no surprise that they also increase your first contact resolution rate.

10. Prioritize High-value Calls

IVRs can also prioritize high-value customer calls and calls from VIP leads and route them accordingly to specific departments.

11. Multi-Language Support

IVRs also offer multiple languages so that they meet the customers’ requirements in terms of their tone and language.

How To Design An Effective IVR?

Designing an IVR can be very important because if you aren’t designing it properly, you might not drive more clients in the future. 

You need to ensure that the IVR sounds like a human, speaks with a human tone, and prompts the user with clear messages and instructions. 

Ensure that your IVR also introduces your company well and what services you provide. Also, it should ensure that it is designed to allow callback and is personalized enough. 

Final Verdict: How An Interactive Voice Response IVR Can Help Your Call Center Business?

Finally, we have reached the end of today’s blog post on how an interactive voice response (IVR) can help your call center business. 

We hope we have provided you with enough context on IVR. And now we believe you have a crystal clear concept of how IVR might be ideal for your business. 

However, with the smart usage of IVR, it is also important to consider how effectively you are designing it. The more advanced features your IVR has, the better service it is likely to give to your clients. 

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Meta: Learn how an interactive voice response IVR can help your call center business with some amazing benefits. Read out the full guide to know about the effective IVR benefits and how it can streamline your business.

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