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Say Bye To Busy Tones With Klozer’s Answering Machine Detection Feature!

Much of your agent’s time and energy gets wasted answering automated calls or while getting busy tones. With Klozer’s innovative and latest Answering Machine Detection, we help you eliminate all those annoying robotic voicemails and auto tones. The feature enhances your efficiency as it only connects the productive calls from the leads to the agents. 

What Is An Answering Machine Detection?

Answering Machine Detection (AMD) lets you find out the receiving side of an outgoing call that, whether it is received by an automated answer or a real customer. This, in turn, helps you retain workflow while saving time and preparing to tailor your calls. AMD can help you differentiate between human calls, answering machines, and fax machines.

How Klozer Ensures The Best Answering Machine Detection Services?

With high accuracy and faster recognition speech, AMDs ensure connecting calls to agents only when it finds that the call is picked up by a live lead. Wanna know why AMDs are the best call center voicemail detection software? Check out the following benefits that Klozer offers with its super-fast AMD technology!

Benefits Of Answering Machine Detection 

Maximizes Talk Time

You can evidently improve agent talk time with AMD. With AMDs, you interact with live prospects 95% of the time. Klozer’s dialer solutions come with integrated AMDs, helping you to get rid of unproductive calls. Our highly accurate answering machine detection is capable of analyzing background noise, which essentially makes its detection of prospect calls more accurate. This, in turn, saves you an extra 2-3 hours, which you can utilize to maximize your talk time.

Full Freedom In Tuning Parameters

We at Klozer offer you full independence when it comes to customizing and fine-tuning your AMDs in the dialer software. You can change the default settings, such as detection timeout or machine detection speech threshold, as per the requirements of your call and clients’ demographics. Adjusting these settings will indeed enhance your outbound call experience.

Saves Huge Time

AMDs can detect and bypass voicemails and IVRs. Therefore, it’s a no-brainer that they help reduce idle time immensely. Particularly, AMDs facilitate B2C campaigns, leading to more successful connections. Also, in cases of relatively high volume of answering machines, AMDs can prove to be your savior.

Increases Agent Morale And Productivity 

Agents often get frustrated with unanswered calls, auto tones, automated answers, and fax machine answers. We know how demotivating and exhausting it might get sometimes. That’s why Klozer fosters the reduction of these problems with AMDs integrated into our predictive dialer solutions. You can boost agent morale by eliminating voicemail frustration by enabling AMDs. Not only this, but you’ll also see visible improvement in your business productivity with the success factor AMD.

Enhanced Customer Experience 

With AMDs, agents save energy and utilize their time better. This essentially means you get more time to tailor your calls since you’ll get connected with real-time clients who will only help customers get better service. Klozer’s dialer solution also facilitates quicker response time, elevating customer satisfaction. So yeah, AMDs with our intelligent dialer software can indeed enhance customer experience through faster live connections.

Minimize Operational Cost

We at Klozer value your precious time and resources. With our enhanced AMD feature, you no longer need to verify voicemails manually. This essentially minimizes the wastage of time and operational resources, resulting in improved workflow.

Improve Call Flow

AMDs can be really effective for campaigns where the motto is to distribute information rather than interact with long conversations. It can automatically direct live calls to agents, and this optimization streamlines the entire operations of your call center, saving much time.

Attain Valuable Insights

Klozer’s integrated AMD feature enables you to get sophisticated analytics on the success rates of automated call detection and other relevant statistics. This, in turn, helps you to optimize workflow while monitoring the performance of the calls.


The voice API feature Answering Machine Detection (AMD) can determine between human-answered calls and machine-answered calls. It works by analyzing the first few seconds of the sound from the call and then determines a decision depending on the audio pattern.

AMDs use heuristic algorithms to analyze voice tones and have a detection accuracy of 75-90%. Typically, the machine listens to the first five seconds of the call and then interprets the speed of spoken words and many other factors, which essentially helps to identify automated calls.

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